7 Free Printable Christmas Games
On this page I am sharing lots of fun, excitig, original and beautiful to look at free printable Christmas games that you can play with your family and can have lots of fun and laughs. These games are easy and fun to play and both adults and kids will enjoy these games equally. For more free printable Christmas games click here.
On this page I am sharing
- Christmas Word Scramble Game
- Pin the nose on the Rudolph
- Christmas Word Game A-Z
- Christmas Guessting Game
- Who wished for it
- Write a Christmas Story
- Christmas Word Search Game

Free Printable Christmas Games
Free Printable Christmas Word Scramble Game
This is a fun to play game. How to Play: Take printouts of this game according to the number of family members who are willing to play it. Distribute the printed sheets among all of them with a pen or pencil and ask everyone to unscramble the words within ten minutes. The person who has unscrambled all the words first will win this game or the person who has unscrambled most of the words within ten minutes of time will be the winner. Click on the image shared above to save this printable Christmas game and click here to get the solution for this game.
Pin the Red Nose on Rudolph's Face
This is my most favorite and cutest game that I have made for Christmas. How to play: Click on the image shared above and save the bigger image. Paste this paper even on a bigger sheet or cartstock and hang it somewhere in your room. Now click here to get the sheet with rudolph's red nose. Cut all the noses around the edges and write name of each player on each nose. Now blidfold the players and ask them to place the nose as close to the black nose as they can. I am sure this will bring lots of laughter this Christmas.
Free Printable Make a Christmas Related Word Game
This is another fun game that you can play with your family on this Christmas. How to Play: Take as mant prints of this game as mant family members are willing to play it. Distribute it among all the players with a pen or pencil and ask them to make a Christmas related word with each letter of the alphabet within ten minutes. The person who has made words with all the alphabets first or the person who has used most alphabets to make Christmas related words will win this game.
Free Printable Christmas Guessing Game
This is another fun to play free printable game. How to Play: Collect pictures of Christmas related items and objects and put those under a cloth or in a bag and ask the guests to guess the Christmas related items that you have gathered. The person with most correct guesses will be the winner.
Who wished for it, Christmas Game
This is another fun filled game which is perfect for a close family to play. How to Play: Click on the image shared above and save the bigger game sheet. Now cut each of the wish card around the edges and fold it. Distribute it among your friends and family with a pen or pencil and ask them to write two Christmas gift they wish to have this Christmas, write their name inside and fold the card. Now one person will collect all the cards and just read the wishes and rest of the members will guess the name of the person who wished for that gift. After gussing is done you can read the name written inside to confirm whether the guess was right or not.
Make a Christmas Story, Free Printable Game
This is another funny and silly game that will bring laughter. How to Play: Print and distribute the game sheet among your family members along with Pen or Pencil. On this sheet there are 10 Christmas related words and 10 random words. Ask them to write a story using all the 20 words within five minutes. Now each player will read his/her story one by one and the one who has written the funniest story will be the winner.
Printable Christmas Word Search Game
This is a cute printable of Christmas word search game. This game is excellent for playing in the classrooms and also to keep kids busy when you are busy with Christmas preperations. Just click on the thumbnail image of this game and then right click and save this image. Click here to download the solution of this game.
You can download some Printable Christmas Jigsaw Puzzles here.